Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"The Rock" to make his way into the DC Universe?

Dwayne Johnson "rocked" the superhero community yesterday when he teased his fans about a potential role within the DC cinematic universe. Johnson tweeted around 5 pm yesterday:

This is surely confirmation that Johnson will be working on some sort of project within the DC Cinematic universe within the near future. He has been tied before to a Shazam! movie, however recent reports from director Peter Segal claim that the Shazam! movie isn't happening, especially after the success of 2013's Man of Steel. He has also been rumored to take on Lobo, a DC antihero, but that property has been canned since as well. This brings up the possibility of Johnson lining up a role for next year's Batman vs. Superman film. Doomsday and Lex Luthor have been rumored to appear, and both roles seem to fit Johnson's physique. Martian Manhunter is also another possibility that has been rumored as well.
However, Johnson could be talking about a completely different standalone DC film. Who knows, everything is speculation until we hear an official announcement from DC or Warner Brothers.
Where would you like to see Johnson fit into the DC Cinematic universe? As a hero or a villain? In a standalone movie, or in DC's big crossovers? Let us know in the comments below!