Saturday, January 4, 2014

Patton Oswalt's "Star Wars" & "Marvel" crossover a possibility?

Okay, maybe not as a movie, as a comic book, but still. Marvel announced last Friday what is sure to be a historic move in the comic book world. All Star Wars titles, currently published by Dark Horse Comics, will be finishing up their current storylines at Dark Horse, and beginning in 2015 Marvel will be the sole publisher for Star Wars comic books.

This move came as a suprise to no one, as The Walt Disney Co., who also owns Marvel, purchased Lucasfilm last year for $4 Billion. It was only a matter of time before Disney brought the publishing of Star Wars comics in house, which makes the most sense financially.

Does this mean, however, that a crossover between the two comic book worlds is inevitable? Patton Oswalt first stoked the coals of this idea when he made an appearance on the hit NBC show Parks and Recreation. In a blooper, Oswalt described a storyline involving major characters in the Marvel Universe crossing paths with Luke, Han, and the gang and their adventures in a galaxy far, far away via Thanos and his all powerful infinity gauntlet. The story he described was impressively put together, and once it hit the internet fanboys and nerds everywhere were begging for this comedian's hilarious pitch to become a reality.

Image Courtesy: Entertainment Weekly
If you really think about comic book stories, you'll know that writers have gone to great lengths and made huge stretches to make seemingly impossible stories work. Comic book writers, especially those at marvel, aren't afraid to throw in outlandish, and sometimes even silly elements to make sense of unimaginable events. A character dies? This is a comic book bring them back to life! Marvel and DC at one point even had a crossover event where Superman fought Thor and Batman faced off against Captain America. In a comic book, to make a story as epic as possible, almost anything is justifiable.

Wether you hate the idea, or this is something that you have dreamt of since you were just a kid, the controversy and hype that would build as a result from such a crossover would undoubtedly draw attention (and $$$) to both franchises. And Marvel would surely see a huge jump in comic book sales from cynical naysayers who want to see the potential for disaster, or from fanboys who are finally seeing their deepest nerd fantasies come true. For Disney, its little risk for great reward, and a great opportunity to build hype and excitement either up to or on to Star Wars: Episode VII and its subsequent sequels.

This deal is ultimately exclusive to comic books (for now) but it still is a possibility that Disney would eventually want to explore the concept of merging the two franchises, on the big, or small screen. Disney Channel's hit show Phineas and Ferb have episodes planned with both Marvel and Star Wars separately, and with the recent announcement of Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts III it is possible we could see both universes cross over with Sora and the rest of the House of Mouse within the world of video games.

What do you think? Would you like to see Boba Fett face off with Deadpool? Luke and the Avengers vs Vader and Thanos? Wolverine vs Chewbacca? There are so many stories to tell within this crossover universe? What kind of things would you like to see? Sound off in the comments below.