Saturday, January 11, 2014

Tarantino's New Western Gets a Title

The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Tarintino's new film will in fact be a western. This comes as no surprise as Tarantino has said multiple times that now that he has taught himself how to do a western, he wants to to another. Now this western has a title. The film will be called The Hateful Eight. A nod to a western film of a similar title, The Magnificent Seven. Could Tarantino's film be an unofficial sequel?

Tarantino hopes to begin production this summer, and sources say that Tarantino has written a specific role for one of his reoccurring favorites, Chrisoph Waltz.

Are you excited about Tarantino's new film? Would you like to see him try another genre, or are you happy with another western? Let us know in the comments.