Sunday, January 5, 2014

NerdHub Review Guide

Hello fans! Tomorrow marks the first ever review here at NerdHub, and it certainly is exciting. I just wanted to make sure everyone understands how reviews at NerdHub will work, and how the scoring system is applied. Each movie, game, or TV show that is reviewed is reviewed on a certain criteria encompassing all aspects of the movie. Each aspect is given a score, and then the final score is determined. The review block at the end of the written review will give a score and a few pros and cons about the piece being reviewed and it will look like this:

Now I'd like to give you a little information about the number rating system. What the numbers themselves mean are as follows:

10 - Masterpiece: The highest honor given to any piece, it may not be perfect (because perfection is hard) but it is very close to perfect. The piece will be defined as a classic and is the ultimate standard for everything else.

9 - Amazing: A score given to anything that is outstanding, yet has a few minor flaws that are easy to overlook.

8 - Great: Given to anything that is seriously impressive, and has impressive qualities that outweigh it's faults.

7 - Good: Given to anything that will leave you feeling satisfied, but not overwhelmed with joy, emotion, or ambition. Still something worth spending time and money on.

6 - Okay: Just because something is given an okay rating doesn't mean it is bad. Spending time with something that has been given an okay rating won't be time lost, and is still worth checking out.

5 - Mediocre: Given to something that doesn't really grab anyone's attention. If you have nothing else to do, something given a mediocre score will surely pass the time, but ultimately leaves a bland and forgettable experience.

4 - Poor: Given to something that leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth after finishing. You probably shouldn't waste money on anything given a score of poor or lower.

3 - Bad: If something is given this rating, it means that it feels like time was wasted on it, and you should avoid wasting your time on it as well.

2 - Awful: Even if you can try something for free, that doesn't mean you should always try it. Which is what we reserve a score of awful for.

1 - Unbearable: It was offensive that something as bad as this was made, wether it be a TV show, movie, or game, the world would have been a better place had it not been made.

I should note that anything you see in the 6-10 range is definitely worth checking out, anything rated 4-5 should never be paid for full price, and anything 1-3 should just be skipped altogether.

I look forward to providing exciting and informative reviews very often. Make sure you stay up to date with Nerdhub for our Saving Mr. Banks review hitting tomorrow, and for even more reviews in the future!