Sunday, December 29, 2013

Playstation Plus January Lineup

Sony has unveiled its lineup for It's January 2014 offerings of free Playstation Plus Games, and the lineup is a strong one.

First on the list is Bioshock Infinite for PS3, a game which has garnered multiple Game of the Year nominations. This is definitely the strongest game on the lineup and the game I'm most looking forward to finally playing.

The other two free games for PS3 this month are DMC: Devil May Cry, from CAPCOM, and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, from indie developer Starbreeze AB. Both games have metacritic scores of 85 and 90 respectively.

PS Vita owners will be able to download Smart As... and Worms: Battle Islands

And Finally PS4 owners will be able to download Don't Starve, "An uncomprimising wilderness survival game full of science and magic." by Klei Entertainment.

What game are looking forward to playing most on PS Plus this month? Let us know in the comments below!

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