Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sony Reveals Playstation Now Service

At CES today, sony revealed their newest project called Playstation Now, a game streaming service that will allow for classing psone, ps2, and ps3 games to be played on current gen Playstation hardware, as well as non gaming specific hardware. Sony had hinted at capabilities like this in the past, suggesting that they might harness the power of Gaikai, which they purchased back in 2012.

The concept is basically, you no longer need these classic consoles and physical copies of games to play your favorite psone, ps2, and ps3 classics. They will be available not only on Playstation 4 and PS Vita consoles, but also on Smart TVs, tablets, and smartphones. This move by sony effectively solves the issue of backwards compatibility that consumers seem to so desperately want.

The games available at the launch of the service will be limited, with the library growing as the service ages. However, Sony rep Andrew House has confirmed Naughty Dog's The Last Of Us and Quantic Dream's Beyond two souls will be two of the games available to test at CES.

Even with this exciting announcement, much is still unknown about the service itself. It is still unknown if the available games will only be Playstation exclusives or if multi-platform favorites will also be included in the service. It is also unsure if there will be a cost attached to the service, and if there is how much it will be, or if it will be added on to the existing Playstation Plus features, however the latter seems highly unlikely.

Keep it posted to NerdHub News for the latest developments on Sony's new streaming service, and let us know in the comments what kind of games you would like to see offered!

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